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Asia Dust

World Atlas

  • Sahara
  • Great Britain
  • Middle East Asia
  • Parkistan
  • Central Asia and Russia
  • China
  • Mongolia
  • Australia
  • United States
  • Japan

The energy balance of Earth can be changed as the solar energy is scattered and absorbed and long-wave energy is absorbed by Asia dust. This process affects radiative equilibrium of global climate. In Japan, the ADEC (Aeolian Dust Experiment on Climate Impact) project was started in April 2000 to investigate the effects of Asia dust on climate, and is planning to be performed over the next 5 years jointed with China.

The physical processes of the Earth are studied: estimation of climatic effects by general circulation model as well as source, sink and transport of Asian dust. The first intensive observation was carried out in April 2002, and the second intensive observation is planning to be performed from 15-26 March 2003.