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Asia Dust

World Atlas

  • Sahara
  • Great Britain
  • Middle East Asia
  • Parkistan
  • Central Asia and Russia
  • China
  • Mongolia
  • Australia
  • United States
  • Japan
Great Britain

Dust deposit on a car in Oxford.

Dust deposit on a car in Oxford.
The photograph was taken at midday
on 10 November 1984, following the rain and
dust fall of the previous evening.

Dust phenomena occurred in Oxford on 9 November 1984. Fine dust deposit on a car, and some remains in the air after the rain. It looks like pale cream colored powder.

500mbar contour chart for midnight GMT on 9, november, 1984.

500mbar contour chart for midnight GMT on 9, november, 1984.

The trajectory calculated from a series of 500mbar charts, back platted from Oxford at 1800 GMT on the 9th.

The trajectory calculated from a series of 500mbar charts,
back platted from Oxford at 1800 GMT on the 9th.

Schematic diagram of possible transpor from the sahara to the Britain Isles.

Schematic diagram of possible transport
from the sahara to the Britain Isles.

The Trajectory calculated from a series of 500mbar charts, back platted from Oxford at 1800 GMT on the 9th

The Trajectory calculated from a series of 500mbar charts,
back platted from Oxford at 1800 GMT on the 9th

The air in middle-troposphere flows toward Great Britain from North Africa via Western Europe. It shows dust storms occurred in Sahara are transported to Great Britain over the Atlas Mountains. (R.F.Fill, 1986)