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Asia Dust

World Atlas

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NOAA-6 satellite visible image showing monsoon depression over north-western India, 0144 GMT, 30 May 1986.

NOAA-6 satellite visible image showing monsoon depression over north-western India,
0144 GMT, 30 May 1986.

Dust storm with 30m/s of wind speed occurred in Karachi, Pakistan on 31 May 1986. As a result of strong wind of 5m/s, hundreds of people were injured and 10 of them died. In addition, thousands of bamboo cottages were broken.

Karachi is subtropical arid region with 228 mm of precipitation per year. At the end of May, there's no precipitation and dust storm known as Andhi occurred as descending the strong cold airflow.
(Middleton and Chandhary, 1988)