Home > What we do > Observations > Observation Network
The meteorological observational network in KMA consists of various fields of observation such as surface, upper-air, ocean, weather satellite, weather radar, and seismology. There are 94 weather stations, 464 Automatic Weather Stations (AWS), 20 Asian dust (Hwangsa called in Korea) observation stations, five moored buoys, and one observation ship in operation. The KMA network includes 77 synoptic observation stations, the Base station of Oceanic-Meteorological Observation(BOMO), ten upper-air observation stations, ten weather radar observations, ten aviation meteorological stations and 35 seismological observations. For the reception of satellite data, MESDAS-II, including three Medium-scale Data Utilization Stations (MDUS), is in place and operating. KMA is also operating Korea Global Atmosphere Watch Observatory in Anmyeon Island.
Meteorological observation network
Automatic weather observation network