- Aerodrome routine meteorological report (METAR)
- Issued every half hour at Incheon.
- Issued every one hour at other stations.
- Aerodrome special meteorological report (SPECI)
- Issued whenever weather elements change in accordance with the criteria given at ICAO Annex 3.Local routine report(MET REPORT) and Local special report(SPECIAL)
- Issued for arriving or departing aircraft and useful only for aerodrome of origin.

- Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF)
- TAF for the seven international aerodromes (Incheon, Gimpo, Jeju, Muan, Yangyang, Gimhae, Daegu and Cheongju) : The period of validity is 30 hours. Issued at 05, 11, 17 and 23UTC.
- TAF for domestic aerodromes (Ulsan, Yeosu, Gwangju, Pohang, Sacheon) : The period of validity is 30 hours. Issued at 00, 06, 12 and 18UTC
- Landing Forecasts
- Issued every hour and reported as trend forecasts in METAR/SPECI.
- Take-off Forecasts
- Issued for surface wind direction & speed, temperature and pressure, expected over the runway complex.
- Issued at 05, 11, 17, 23 UTC for significant weather in FIR (below 10,000ft) with information such as surface wind, surface visibility, turbulence, icing and mountain obscuration.
- SIGWX FL100-250
- Issued at 05, 11, 17, 23 UTC significant weather in FIR (Middle level : 10,000ft~25,000ft) with information on typhoon, turbulence, icing, thunderstorm, jet stream, volanic ash cloud etc.

- Aerodrome Warning
- Issued whenever severe weather phenomena expected around aeodromes may adversely affect aircraft on the ground, aerodrome facilities and services.
- Windshear Warning
- Issued whenever observed or expected existence of Windshear which could adversely affect aircraft on the approach path or take-off path or during circling approach between runway level and 1600ft(500m) above that level and aircraft on the runway during the landing roll or take-off run.

Issued whenever specified en-route weather phenomena is expected which may adversely affect the safety of aircraft operations within the Incheon flight Information Region(FIR).
- All reports and the above Information are provided to air traffic controllers, operators and flight crew, and are exchanged with foreign countries through AFTN.
(Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network )
- AMO receives WAFS products from Washington and London WAFC , and provides them to flight crew and operators. These products contain SIGWX charts, WINTEM charts, Relative Humidity charts, Tropopause charts, Maxwind Charts and OPMET data.
- WAFS: World Area Forecast System
- WAFC: World Area Forecast Center